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Commercialized Phonograph
Diagram of Phonograph

The Physics of The Phonograph

There are many different elements of physics that relate directly to the operation
of Edison’s favorite invention, the Phonograph.  From the mechanics of the lever,
to the transferring of speech to foil, physics play a part in the success of the

The Handle and Flywheel

A hand crank controls the rotation of the phonograph’s mandrel.  Amazingly, the
phonograph does not rely on electricity but manpower.  In order to get a clean
recording, the handle must be cranked at a steady angular velocity.  This requires
the user to drive the motion at a constant velocity but this can be a challenging
task for a person to undertake.  For this reason, Edison included a flywheel.  The
flywheel has a high moment of inertia and resists changes in rotational speed. 
Once torque is applied, the flywheel will continue rotating at a relatively constant


The Horn

The horn is used both in recording and playing back sounds.  It is important that
the horn is made of a material that will not trap or distort the sound when
recording.  For this reason, a rigid material is ideal in having sound bounce off the
walls of the horn and travel to the mouthpiece.  The same can be said in reverse as
the mouthpiece projects recordings through the horn.  Understanding the acoustics
of the phonograph is a difficult undertaking.  To get a more in depth take on the
phonograph and how the composition of the horn affects sound quality click this
link. http://www.texasacoustics.org/images/stories/JASMAN13242173_1.pdf


Mouthpiece and Foil

The interaction between the mouthpiece and foil is an integral part of creating a
recording.  Energy is transferred from the speaker’s voice down the horn, through
the mouthpiece, and onto the foil wrapped mandrel.  However, all the energy does
not make it down to the foil and some goes to the environment.  A fraction of the
sound waves created by speech becomes trapped in the horn, vibrating the walls
instead of getting to the mouthpiece.  In addition, the interaction between needle
of the mouthpiece and the foil is imperfect.  There is friction between the two
objects so even more of the energy is turn into thermal energy.  Similar transfers
of energies occur when the phonographs plays sound back through the horn. 


As he tinkered with his invention, many properties changed.  Edison upgraded the
foil to wax and took measures to create uniform motion of the rotating mandrel. 
Although the phonograph underwent many changes throughout it’s lifetime,
Edison successfully created a revolutionary machine that could transfer acoustic
vibrations onto a playable medium.  His invention paved the way for similar
inventions that used this concept such as vinyl records.

Incandescent Light

     Light bulb


Diagram og Phonograph




Physics of Light bulb

Edison’s most influence and famous invention is the light bulb.  Without this
invention, people would be limited to only doing work when the sun permitted.
Not only did incandescent lighting improve productivity of mankind as a whole
but it also offered a safer alternative to burning candles or fossil fuels.  However,
much like any good invention, there is quite a bit of physics involved in the
success of Edison’s invention.


How Does It Work?

While Edison was not the first to make the light bulb, he successfully
commercialized the light by increasing the amount of hours the filament will burn.
The first light bulb made by Edison had a carbon filament unlike today’s
incandescent lights that are made from tungsten.  By running an electric current
though the filament, both heat and light are emitted.  Although incandescent bulbs
are an incredible form of lighting, another more efficient source of light is
fluorescent bulbs.  Unlike incandescent lights, fluorescent lights excite the
atoms of gas molecules instead of heating a solid filament.  As a result, less
energy is expended to heat and more is turned into light.  However, fluorescent
lights are difficult to dispose because they contain harmful elements like mercury.

Filament and Bulb

The filament in a light is the most important part in creating a glow.  Edison tested
over 6,000 different materials before he tried using carbonized thread as a
filament.  In order to be successful, the filament must have a high melting point
and resist the flow of electricity.  These traits ensure that the filament heats up
enough to glow and remains solid when it is hot.  One reason Edison was
successful with his invention was the lifespan of his bulbs.  He evacuate the glass
casing of his lights, leaving no oxygen.  This process kept the carbon from

oxidizing when it was heated.  Similar methods are used in today's incandescent
lights.  In order to prevent oxidation, many lights are filled with argon, an inert
gas that slows filament evaporation.  Small amounts of nitrogen are also used in
bulbs to prevent arcing from occurring.   

While the efficiency and quality of incandescent lights has grown exponentially
since they were invented, none of these strides would have been possible without
the work of Edison and many other scientists.  In order to truly understand how
lights work, an understanding of electricity is essential.  To get a better grasp on
the concept of electricity, click this link,



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