Welcome to vaults

Vaults are important to parkour because they help us get over small obstacles waist high with great ease.
There are an enumerated number of vaults I will cover the basic 3: Kong, Lazy, and Dash

Kong Vault

All vaults follow a parabolic motion but what defines them are how we manipulate our center of gravity over them.
The Kong vault keeps your feet underneath you and uses your arms to lift you over the obstacle.

http://parkour.wikia.com/wiki/Parkour_Wiki &  http://fyeahparkour.tumblr.com
There are a few variances to the Kong such as the Diving Kong or the Double Kong as illustrated above.
Both advanced techniques push your arms ahead of your body and use a slap at the end to balance yourself.

Lazy Vault


The Lazy vault creates a motion that pivots over the arm that is planted
 and uses momentum in your legs to swing over the obstacle.
Lazy vaults are best used to traverse perpendicular to motion rather than directly ahead.

Dash Vault

A dash vault follows the parabolic motion that puts your center of gravity in front of your hands.
The trajectory of the dash vault looks like you should almost hit your posterior on
the obstacle but your hands slam down push you forward and keep momentum going.

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