
 History of the Schwarzschild Radius

            In 1915, Albert Einstein released his theory of General Relativity, in which he details his theory on the effect of mass on space-time and how it relates to
    gravity. In short, if space is thought to be a sheet on which objects rest, then objects of greater mass will deform the sheet and sink into it. Other masses will then be     drawn toward these deformations in space, in other words they are gravitationally attracted toward larger masses. The same year, a german physicist named Karl
    Schwarzschild solved Einstein's equations for General Relativity to show that a spherical non-rotating mass would have an associated distance from its center at
    which it would collapse into a gravitational singularity, which was named after him as the Schwarzschild Radius. Einstein believed that, while the equations showed
    this as a possibility, it wasn't realistic to believe that any system could reach this point naturally. In fact, when French Mathematician Jacques Hadamard posed the
    question of what would happen if a physical system ever reached that point during a conference in Paris, Einstein answered that it was impossible, going so far as to     say that this occurance would have dire consequences for the universe, and termed it the, "Haramard disaster." However, today it is generally accepted that this
    equation holds not only theoretically, but also within nature, as black holes have been observed not only within a number of galaxies, but it is theorized that at the
    center of each galaxy is a supermassive black hole.

Karl Schwarzschild

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