Physics in Tackling

Most people know that there are lots of physics when it comes to tackling another player in a game of football. Even in tackling, conservation of momentum is used. Also center of body mass comes into the equation when talking about tackling. 

First of all, we can look at the conservation of momentum when tackling. If the ball carrier has the same momentum as the person who is coming to tackle, They will both just stop. If the ball carrier has larger momentum, the person tackling will be fored backwards. If opposite, the ball carrier will fall backwards. We see a lot of these situation when watching a football game.

When tackling, if you know where to tackle, it can benefit you. In law of physics, we know everything has a center of mass, and can be rotated around the center of mass. It is same with humans. So when tackling a point that is farther away from the center of mass, the torque of the person will be higher, which will make him unbalanced, and fall.

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