The Physics Of Skiing

Justin Priest

University of Alaska, Fairbanks

Physics 211 Web Project, Fall 2004

Dr. Newman

Class Website Listing

Skiing Home



In this site I deal only with Nordic or Cross Country Skiing. This is the version of skiing that is done on flat lands (though we do have some big hills sometimes!)

The sport of skiing has been around for thousands of years, orginally existing solely as a form of transportation. Today the sport is entirely dependant upon the laws of physics, and has even had advancements through reliance on physics.

There are two types of Nordic Skiing. These are Classic (or diagonal) and Skate Skiing. Usually these two forms are raced seperate. To be fair, there are actually two slightly different forms of skate skiing; V1 and V2. As these can get very very complicated and precise in the technique, I will focus mainly on classic skiing, which is also the type of skiing that most people are familiar with.

This site is devoted to showing how skiing has adcanced through the ages and how much of this is because of physics.




Copyright 2004 Justin Priest