When discussing climbing techniques from
a physics standpoint, think of static equilibrium, or as the potographs
depict climbing, as motionless, and still. Observe where the
is applying the force and where the climber has positioned his/her
center of gravity. As previously discussed we saw techniques of move
ment however there are techniques of, safety as well that all apply
directly to physics, to properly use the rope.

Above is an example of how two climbers directly resemble a pulley
system with two masses attached to either end.
"In top-roping, a rope from the top of the climb always holds the
climber, making most slips off the climb harmless. As shown above, the
climber is attached to one end of the rope, the middle is passed
through an anchor at the top of the climb, and the other end is held by
the belayer.

The anchor at the top of the climb is
assembled from loops of webbing connected to carabiners attached
securely to the rock. The rope is passed through some of the
carabiners, and the others are attached to either pieces of protection,
wedged into a convenient crack, or bolts, which other climbers have
drilled into the rock.

The anchor's carabiners with the rope
passing through are suspended below the top of the climb to prevent the
rope from rubbing. When bolts or protection are far from the top of the
climb, substantial lengths of webbing are needed to place the
carabiners correctly.

Not all climbs can be top-roped
because of two requirements:
- There must be a safe way to the top to set the anchor before the
climber starts. Most popular top-roped climbs have an easy way to hike
to the top.
- The climb may be no longer than half the length of the rope; when
the climber starts, the rope must cross the full length of the climb
The belayer stops the rope with a belay device attached to his harness
if the climber slips. The belay device makes it easy to apply enough
friction to stop a falling climber. If there is some danger of the
belayer being lifted into the air, he can be anchored down.

The belayer must keep the slack in
the rope to a minimum since when a climber slips, any slack must be
taken up before the rope can stop the fall. To take up this slack, the
belayer pulls the rope downward as the climber climbs. While doing
this, the belayer must never release the rope fully to ensure the
climber could never fall far. " -
Stephen Edwards.