Home | Theory | Coefficients | Max Velocities | Free Body Diagram | Bibliography

These links are for informational purposes. If you have ever wondered what your max speed will be going around a curve, just click on any of these links to see if you are going too fast, too slow or just right. I chose to model velocity using a friction coefficient a little higher than actually used in design for some of the roads in Fairbanks.

3% Super Elevation with Friction C=0.116
4% Super Elevation with Friction C=0.116
5% Super Elevation with Friction C=0.116
5.5% Super Elevation with Friction C=0.116
6% Super Elevation with Friction C=0.116
6% Super Elevation with Friction C=0.0
Home | Theory | Coefficients | Max Velocities | Free Body Diagram | Bibliography