Light Refraction

As was mentioned with the refracting telescope in optical paths, the index of refraction determines the way that the primary objective lens will be created, as well as its dimensions (such as the thickness and curvature of the glass platelet). The index of refraction of a material is determined by the ratio of the speed of light in a vacuum to that of the speed of light in the material that the light is passing through, or n = c/v (The Refraction of Light Part II).

The angle of incidence and the angle of refraction are related to one another by the formula sin(angle2)/sin(angle1) = c/v, or the refracted angle over the angle of incidence equals the speed of light in a vacuum over the speed of light in the material (i.e. the index of refraction). A simple diagram of the refraction of light through a solid flat surface can be seen below.

Image courtesy of The Refraction of Light Part II

As you can see the light is being "bent" when it hits the glass and exits at the same angle that it entered. In fact, the only thing different about the transmitted ray is that it's shifted a bit to the left (and ultimately it's magnitude has been reduced because of the precense of the reflected ray, which is very dim).

As you have probably noticed, a flat piece of glass is not very useful for telescope optics that need to focus light at a central point. So in order to get the light to bend through the glass so that it can be focused into a spot where an eyepiece can intercept it, as is the case with a refracting telescope, the glass must be curved. This curvature changes the angle at which the light hits the glass at every point along its surface. This "angle of incidence", as it is called, is determined by the normal line to tangent line on the surface of the glass at any point along its surface where light hits it. This allows the light to have different angles of refraction and therefore different angles of transmission, making it possible to force the light into a cone and ultimately into a point. A crude one element lens example for the lens of a refracting telescope can be seen below with respective angles.

In the diagram above, the glass used for this hypothetical lens is that of Fluorite and is assumed to be gathering light in an environment surrounded by air. The equation utilized to calculate the angle of refraction when the angle of incidence is known is from the equation

n1*sin(theta1) = n2*sin(theta2) (eq.1)

where n1 is the index of refraction of the first medium which is, in this case, the index of refraction of air (1.0003), n2 is the index of refraction of the second medium that the ray enters into which, in this case, is Fluorite (1.434), and theta 1 is the angle of incidence (30 degrees). Hence, solving the following equation

(1.0003*sin(30)) = (1.434*sin(theta2))

for theta2 will yield the angle of refraction of 20.4 degrees. Once this has been done, the final angle of transmission can be easily calculated by determining where the refracted light beam will arrive at the other side of the lens. This will yield a new tangent line and normal line which will yield a new angle of incidence (27 degrees). The procedure for finding the final angle of transmission is exactly that of the one listed above to find the angle of refraction. Plugging in the known variables into equation 1 will yield

(1.434*sin(27)) = (1.0003*sin(theta2))

Solving for theta gives a final transmission angle of 40.6 degrees from the normal line. This makes sense, as the angle of the light would then be bent towards the central optical axis (inwardly) towards a common center (i.e. towards the focal point/eye piece). This is exactly how a refracting telescope lens works, and it is truly a fascinating topic.

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