The Physics of DNA                             
the basics  -  the physics  -  an intro to replication  -  the physics of replication  -  bibliography


The physics of DNA is most evident in the bonds that form between the base pairs.
These hydrogen bonds are electrostatic forces that are caused by an attraction
of negative charges to positive charges. The pairing of bases occurs because
thymine fits very precisely into the shape of adenine, while guanine fits
perfectly into a cytosine. Because of the very close proximity the bases
are able to get to each other, it allows the charged portions of the
molecules to come into contact with each other. This causes an
electrostatic force that is great enough to hold the two base                                                                         Because physics is responsible for the
pairs together. This bond, however, is very weak. The bases                                                                      bonding that holds the DNA together, it's
are able to form this electrostatic force because of charged                                                                    importance in the biological process is
molecules, such as the O and the H in the top bond seen                                                                        indispensable.
below(the dotted lines are electrostatic forces), the H                                                                       
and the N in the middle bond, and the H and O in                                                                             
the bottom bond.