

Where are we?

What is a galaxy?

How are galaxies formed?

What is at the center of our galaxy?

What does gravity do in a galaxy?

Dark Matter
eagle nebulaEagle Nebula
Image Credit:

Jarret, T.H. "Near-Infrared Galaxy Morphology Atlas."
 Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific
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Aguilar, David, and Dave Finley. "Astronomers Get Closest Look Yet At Milky Way's Mysterious Core." National Radio Astronomy Observatory. NRAO, 02 Nov. 2005. Web. 10 Apr 2012. <>

Bell, G.R.;Levine, S.E. "Mass of the Milky Way and Dwarf Spheroidal Stream Membership."
Bulitin of the American Astronomical Society.
AAS, 1997 Web. 10 Apr 2012.

Barsrow, M. A. "Irregular Galaxies." University of Leicester. u.p. 05 Dec. 2006

"Simulations Show How Growing Black Holes Regulate Galaxy Formation." Carnegie Mellon University. u.p.
09 Feb. 2005 Web. 10 Apr. 2012

Ford, H.; et al."Hubble's New Camera Delivers Breathtaking Views of the Universe" Hubble News Desk
Hubble News Desk, 08 May 2007