

Works Cited
  • Giancoli, Douglas C. "Dynamics: Newton's Laws of Motion." Physics: Principles with Applications. 6th ed. Upper Saddle River, N.J: Pearson, 2005. 72-105. Print.
  • Jones & Childers. "Physics 101 Tire Friction." USC Department of Physics & Astronomy. Web. 10 Apr. 2012. <>.
  • Nice, Karim. “A Simple Brake System.” HowStuffWorks. Web. 09 Apr. 2012. <>.
  • Nice, Karim. “How Anti-Lock Brakes Work.” HowStuffWorks. Web. 09 Apr. 2012. <>.
  • Rosenbluth, William. "A Review of Antilock Braking and Traction Control Systems." Investigation and Interpretation of Black Box Data in Automobiles: A Guide to the Concepts and Formats of Computer Data in Vehicle Safety and Control Systems. West Conshohocken, PA: ASTM, 2001. 72-79. Print.

Images Cited (in order)

Winter Driving Scenario:

Friction and Traction:

Giancoli, Douglas C. "Dynamics: Newton's Laws of Motion." Physics: Principles with Applications. 6th ed. Upper Saddle River, N.J: Pearson, 2005. 72. Print.

Applying the Brakes:

Winter Driving Scenario

Friction & Traction

Applying the Brakes
