The CAMSHAFT is a strait shaft with a number of cams (one for each valve), accurately designed and precisely timed to lift each Valve at exactly the correct instant of the beginning of the intake and exhaust strokes, and to hold each valve open for the correct length of time required to fulfill each cycle in each Cylinder. At the front is the Camshaft Gear which is twice the size of the one on mounted to the front of the Crankshaft; thus for every two revolutions of the Crankshaft there is one revolution of the Camshaft. Thus to gain horsepower and torque, larger lobes on the camshaft are important. The larger lobes allow the valves to remain open for a longer period of time. When the intake valve is allowed to stay open a little longer, more air/fuel mixture is forced in, and stuffed into the combustion chamber. With that, the exhaust vavle must remain open a little longer as well. This allows the larger quantity of exhaust to exit the chamber, with out causing a back fire through the intake valve.
Crower Camshaft
Shaft Mounted Roller Rockers