
Average time to complete

the 2004 Iditarod

slowest team: 15 days

fastest team: 9 days

15 + 9 = 24

24 / 2 = 12 days



"I think 10,000 Calories is about the max," four-time champ Martin Buser said. "I know other numbers are floating out there but it seems unrealistic to be able to get more feed into the 'furnace' to be metabolized. Now you take the best dog food, Eagle, divide the 10,000 Calories into 5,400 cal/kg and you end up with about four pounds of super premium dry dog food per dog per day."




Amount of Food

Approx. 4 lbs/day per dog


Average # Dogs per Team

(at Nome)

Maximum: 15 dogs

Minimum: 5 dogs

15 + 5 = 20

20 / 2 = 10 dogs

Rule 6 -- Dog Maximums and Minimums: Th e maximum number of dogs a musher may start the race with is sixteen (16) dogs. A musher must have at least twelve (12) dogs on the line to start the race. At least five (5) dogs must be on the towline at the finish line.



Price of Dog Food

35 lbs is approx. $30

30 / 35 ~ $0.90 per pound




10 dogs x 4lbs food/dogxday x $0.90/ lb x 10 days = $360 in fuel to complete Iditarod

(The Iditarod is approximately 1049 miles)


? All Answers ?
Is this you?

If you thought you were right, you were wrong!

And not just wrong, very wrong.

It would cost about $360!