
      When someone says the word space our minds tend to jump to images of outer space, planets, and stars; but that is not the type of space we are talking about here (though outer space is included within it). The type of space that we are talking about here is simply the where of something, or in other terms how we describe where something is relative to another thing. In our normal everyday life space is easy to understand you can measure the distance between to places and tell it to someone and they will agree with you when they measure it, at speeds near the speed of light things aren't quite as easy.
outer space
     When traveling near the speed of light space stops being the same for everyone, and it starts to matter what frame of reference (who's point of view) you are in. When you are traveling at such speeds, the space in front of you contracts causing you to measure the distance to your destination as less than the person back at your starting point measures it as. We can measure the change resulting from this phenomena using the equation on the left. (L= distance after contraction, Lo=the distance at rest which is often referred to as the proper length, v=velocity, and c= the speed of light)