Uses of LiDAR Technology

There are many different things that this technology is used for that are extremely helpful. The most obvious is calculating the elevation of the ground that the plane is flying over. But that is just one example, a more interesting use of this technology led the discovery of a lost Mayan ruins under all of the vegetation in the forests.

LiDAR technology is very good at using wavelengths very close to that of green on the visible spectrum, which allows the laser to penetrate through the dense trees and see what lies beneath. This aided in finding the "Megalopolis" that had never been discovered because travel into the area on foot was difficult. (6)

An Image of the
                      Mayan Ruins Discovered by LiDAR Technology.


Another example that LiDAR technology exceeds in is determining the depth of ocean floors. Once again, the wavelength used by the laser is important because it needs to be able to avoid attenuation when in water. This assists researchers or even search crews when they are attempting to find ruins or naval accidents that resulted in ships being sunk.

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