
Hello, My name is Caleb and welcome to my web page!

Picture of me at
          skiland getting that biscuit brown tan

Though I have been researching and putting articles together for quite some time, this is in fact, the night before the due date kind of activity of putting it all together because I was getting a biscuit brown tan at Ski Land yesterday!

I figured that whether this project is good or not is subjective to the creator, me, I’d like to keep things a little more ‘chill vibes,’ thus the introduction of myself. This way, you know the voice behind the words, and hopefully you remain interested in what I have to say. 

My web project is about sound, why we should appreciate it, what it even is, and how it works. I got the idea by asking the question of “What exactly is a sonic boom?” Which then led me to ask, “What even is sound?” Upon researching this topic, I learned quite a few new things about sound that I never knew because I was ignorant to the fact that I knew what sound was. 

Hopefully you guys learn something here too and it wasn't just me who didn't know this stuff.
