Present Day Drilling

To follow along with The Cutters as they set
                      up and work their oil wells, here's a quick guide
                      to some what you'll see and hear.

Modern Day Drilling Rig

                The modern day drilling rig, has come a long ways from the early hydrocarbon retrieval methods. Improved cement applications have extended the lifetime of the wells by over 25 years according to OPEC (Organization of Oil Producing Countries). The modern rotary table allows for pressurized drill bits with rotational momentum and energy. A combination of American ingenuity and improved technologies has brought us into the current result of millions of barrels of extracted hydrocarbons. The video below demonstrates the pressure differences that allows for the influx of hydrocarbons.

  • The drilling bit will have a force (as a mass is pressed along a certain distance)
  • The Natural force on the drilling bit will change as the geological sediment changes
  • According to, drill bits can experience up to thousands of pounds per square inch, and that's not incurring the weight force from the steel piping  (plunging force), and frictional forces

[fig.1] Example for a drilling

                                                                                                                                             Forces on a drilling fixture


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