Auroras and how they work

The Auroras is a phenomena in which solarwinds hits the outer most atmosphere of a planet and produces vary vibrant lights. To go into more detail solar plasma comes from a star and runs into the planet's magnetic field. They tend to be closest to the north and south pole of the planet because that is where magnetic field has holes in which the solar wind can enter the atmosphere and interact with the gasses. The plasma puts the gases atoms in an excited state and as they return back to their base state they release photons. Based on the gas that is in the atmosphere the photons will have a different wavelength thus producing different colors. This produces the auroras. Below is a visual of how the solar wind's effect the atmosphere of a planet to produce Auroras.

"What Is the Aurora Borealis?" Aurora Service (Europe). N.p., 30 Jan. 2014. Web. 24 Apr. 2017.

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