The Physics

Page 0: Title Page
Page 1:
Page 2: Vaulting
Page 3: Falling
Page 4: Physics
Page 5: Bibliography

One of the most important things to take into account is Newton's third law of physics:
"To every action there is always opposed an equal reaction: or the mutual actions of two bodies upon each other are always equal, and directed to contrart parts."

This means that when you exert a force on a surface, it will exert a force back on you.
This can become very dangerous because parkour tends to invole large drops that can easily injure or kill people.

For example, the human femur bone can generally withstand about 4000 Newtons of force before cracking.
And according to Newton's second law, F = m a

so for an ideal man according to the hamwi method (48kg), if this person accelerates at: 4000N/48kg = 83.33m/s^2

and then impacts a surface, their bone will probably crack.
Now, since all humans are different, this number does vary.

This number is also unrealistic though, because of how impulses work.
An impulse is a force over a short period of time.
A good example is a car crash. In a crash, a car receives a very large force in a small amount of time, which increases the amount of damage.
The same goes for a large fall on the human body.
A landing roll can increase the amount of time this force is spread out over, as well as move the force in the horizontal direction to reduce the amount of force in the impact.
The equation for an impulse is I = F/t
Roling lowers the force, which lowers I and increases the t to also lower the I.