

The Adiabadic process is where no heat energy is transfered. If a cylinder is thermally insulated and the gas is pushed or pulled on by a piston, that would be one way to generate this process. p_fV_f^y =p_iV_i^y. In the pressure is kept constant while the temperature is increased/decreased. P= nRT/V. For this, I set n = 1 mole, Pressure is in KPa, T is in kelvins, V is in M^3, and R = 8.31 KPa* m^3/mol* K. As the temperature increases, the gas expands, pushing the weight further and further up.

As stated previously, work done can be calculated by getting the area under the the points. The path lies between two isotherms. Q = 0. For below, I set the exponent to a monotonic gas, or 1.67.
