Throwing a Boomerang

When you get ready to throw the boomerang, make sure the point where the two wings connect, the elbow is pointed at you and the flat side of the wing is facing you.  "When you hold it correctly with your right hand, the curved edge is on the left and the top wing's leading edge is facing away from you". (2)
If you are throwing it when it is windy out, tilt your arm out at ~ a 45 degree angle so the wind doesn't take it away.

Once you have the boomerang all set up to throw, go ahead and bring it back and throw it just like a baseball.  Don't forget to snap your wrist at the end, to make sure you get as much spin on it as possible.  That is what makes the boomerang come back to you.  the angular velocity you put on it when you flick your wrist!