Simulated Physics in Games

Trace Braxling
Physics 211 F03

Projectile Motion
Super Mario Galaxy
Kerbal Space Program

One of the most common representations of physics in video games is that of projectile motion. In everything from sports games to action games, some form of this motion is calculated by the computer. Featured is a interactive representation of the simulation of basic projectile motion. By clicking on the number showing the angle of the cannon, a new value can be typed in ranging from 1 to 90 degrees. By clicking on the number showing force, a new number can be input, with any number up to five digits in length.

This particular simulation of projectile motion calculates the motion using the equation pf = p0 + v0t + at2 where a is 9.8 m/s and 10 onscreen pixels being one meter. The force is separated into its X and Y components with cosine for X and sine for Y. Because it is simulated, the entire motion can be calculated instantly. The program knows where the projectile will land before it visually does.

Note that air resistance may or may not be simulated depending on the type of game. Games that require quick thinking and action will usually not include air resistance, as they require players to easily determine where their projectile will go. As well, the less calculations that the computer has to make means it will run faster. However, some games that attempt to simulate real world physics as close as possible do calculate air resistance. Many more recent sports games calculate air resistance and even wind in two or three dimensions.

Super Mario Galaxy Official Cover
One of my favorite implementations of gravity is in the Nintendo game Super Mario Galaxy released in 2007.
The game features the protagonist Mario traveling through space themed levels.

Official Box Art of Super Mario Galaxy,  Nintendo 2007

One of the primary features of the game is the ability to traverse around spherical planets. The player can run in a complete path around them. If multiple planets are located close together, players can jump from one to the other, exchanging from one planet to the other once they are close enough. Three spherical planets present close to each other. The player can walk entirely around each one, and if they jump, they can travel from one to the next. It is worth noting that the planets themselves are much too small to have to perceived gravitational effect that they do in the game. This is an example of a game having physics based on reality that have been modified to fit the game. Although it could also be said that the small planets are incredibly dense.

    This screen in particular shows the character walking on a hollow glass planet. For fun, lets calculate the supposed density of the planet. Some major assumptions will have to be made, but a somewhat realistic value can be calculated. Assuming that the character is an average height of 1.75m [5] the radius of the planet is approximately 4 characters long, or 7 m.

Screenshot from Super Mario Galaxy, Nintendo 2007

  Using the following calculation, and assuming that the glass is around 0.25 m, the volume is 4*pi/3 (7^3 - 6.75^3), or 148.5 m^3. Also assumed is that the force of gravity of the small planet is the same of that of the Earth, as the character in the game appears to be have consistent acceleration throughout the entire game. The Earth has a mass of 5.98*10^24 kg and  mean radius of 6.37 * 10^6 m [1], so it has a volume of 4*pi/3(6.37 * 10^6)^3, or 1.08 * 10^21 m^3. The density is 5.52*10^9 kg/m^3. For the planet to have the same force of gravity, it would have to have a density of 4.03 * 10^22 kg/m^3.
As a rough perspective, the naturally occurring element with the highest density is Osmium, with density of 2.26 * 10^8 [6]. The planet density is 170,000,000,000,000 times this.

[3].Hollow Sphere Representation and Equation, from In Engineers Edge

So maybe the Mario video game doesn't have the most realistic simulation of physics. But I'm sure if people wanted perfectly realistic physics, they would go outside.

Plenty of games have slightly more realistic physics though. One of those is a very cool game called Kerbal Space Program.
Promotional image for Kerbal Space Program, from

Kerbal Space Program is a rocket and space travel simulator.
In a construction mode, players are given a number of rocket parts with different characteristics. They can arrange these parts in any order. Players can take these completed sets of parts and simulate them, seeing how practical their design is.
Many important factors go into this design process. Everything must be considered, from fuel storage, to center of mass, to center of thrust. Players can also designate staging.

Rocket designs can range from simple,
Screenshot from Kerbal Space Program, Squad 2014

To complex,
Screenshot from Kerbal Space Program, Squad 2014

To impractical

Screenshot from Kerbal Space Program, Squad 2014

Once the design of the rocket is finished, it is taken to a launch platform. If the rocket is designed well, It can begin its ascent to the heavens. Providing your rocket has enough fuel for its weight, it can exit the atmosphere. From here, the spaceship has an opportunity to plant itself in orbit around the planet. It should be noted that simply propelling directly away from the planet will not achieve any sort of orbit, or increase the radius of an existing orbit. The game uses the concept of prograde and retrograde. In terms of the game, prograde is accelerating towards the direction the spaceship is traveling in, and will increase the radius of the orbit. In terms of the game, retrograde is accelerating opposite the direction the spaceship is traveling in, and will decrease the radius of the orbit. Once the spaceship is in an orbit, a refueling ship can dock with it, give it fuel, then release itself. With a full tank, the first ship can slingshot itself gravity to one of the other planets present in the game. Or when I play it, directly into the sun, because I'm really bad at the game.

A screenshot of the rocket taking off
Screenshot from Kerbal Space Program, Squad 2014

It made it into a very lopsided orbit. This orbit can be evened out by firing in the prograde direction on the side closest to the planet, or in the retrograde direction at the far side of the orbit.
Screenshot from Kerbal Space Program, Squad 2014

Even in the fantastical world of video games, physics are integral. People want to be able to understand the game they are immersed in, and they enjoy concepts based on physics that may or may not be perfectly accurate.
As games become more and more complex, so will the physics that they will be able to accurately simulate. It is not that far-fetched to expect some amazing games in the near future based on physics.

[1]    Knight, R (2013) Physics for Scientists and Engineers.Glenview, IL: Pearson Education Inc.
[2]    Newton's Law of Universal Gravitation. (n.d.) In The Physics Classroom retrieved from
[3]    Hollow Sphere Volume Equation. (n.d.) In Engineers Edge retrieved from
[4]    Williams, D.R., Planetary Fact Sheet - Ratio to Earth Values (2014) retrieved from
[5]    Cumulative Percent Distribution of Population by Height and Sex: 2007–2008. (2012) From Us Census  Bureau  retrieved from
[6]     Haynes, W.M. (1996) CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics, 77th Edition
[7]    Kerbal Space Program Official Website. (2014) From Squad retrieved from
[8]    What is the Difference Between Prograde and Retrograde Motion?. (2014) OSIRIS-REx Mission retrieved from