Motor and Drivetrain

    The motor and drivetrain are also very important in drifting because even though there are tricks to help overcome the force of friction, you also need a strong force to help overcome it for a sustained time.  Having a powerful motor will help the driver lower the coefficient of friction by adding a high velocity to the wheels.  You have to have high speed to lower the coefficient of friction or the tires will eventually grip and you will go in the direction of the force.  The power over drift is the most popularly used drifting technique now a days because of the improvements in motors and available upgrades to make a lot more horsepower than before.  The power over technique requires a lot of horsepower, the driver accelerates into and through the whole turn at high speeds, which requires a lot of horsepower to break the resistance of friction.  The drivetrain is also very important to drifting as it helps the driver control his car while drifting.  Most cars use locking differentials to keep both rear tires spinning at the same velocity, instead of a normal differential where one tire will spin faster than the other.  They also use a limited slip differential, which sends torque to the tires with traction, whether that's one or all of the tires.

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