
Since this is going to be the most realistic space simulation ever made gravity will have to be accurately calculated in every aspect of the game.

Gravity applied to the ship

When ever a pilot pitches too much or yaws harder than he should his ship must feel the force of his actions, or more specifically him.

Applying too much pitch will negatively affect your pilot's vision and cause blood to rush to the head. If the player keeps this up they will black out.

If a player attempts to pull a cocky dog fighting maneuver like decoupling their thrusters and spinning 180 degrees to hit their target they may find themselves with a broken ship. The g-forces that hit the ship will shred their thrusters and make them unusable.

Zero Gravity

A first person shooter module is in development for the game as well. It will feature combat that utilizes gravity and zero gravity.

When zero gravity has been activated the way the player moves around the environment changes drastically. Instead of moving on two feet the players are forced to use jet packs to navigate the environment. In the gameplay demo Cloud Imperium Games released we see players performing cartwheels and somersaults as they murder each other with laser guns. The laser guns did push back the player when fired so we must assume that they do not generate momentum.eve

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