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In space

Blackholes are the remnants of dead stars, formed when a star reaches the end of its lifespan, goes supernova and collapses. When the star dies, if it is big enough(3 times the size of our sun) it collapses. As it's radius decreases, its gravity increases, due to the fact that the force of gravity Fg is equal to G, the universal constant of gravitation(6.67E-11), times mass one m1 times mass two m2 all over the radius between the center of the two masses, squared, or r2.So

At a certain point, depending on the mass, the radius of the forming black hole reaches a point called the event horizon, and it stops. The name blackhole comes from the fact that even light is unable to escape their enormous gravitational pull. This is because anything, including light, that passes the event horizon of the blackhole can no longer leave it due to the fact that one definition of the event horizon is the radius at which the escape velocity of the blackhole is greater than the speed of light.


In the movie, on the other side of the wormhole the characters travel through, is a blackhole named Gargantua, around which orbits a planet they visit. And towards the end of the movie the use it as a sort of catapult to escape the system by going into an elliptical orbit and breaking out of it.