Car on a Cart Demonstration


This demonstration is about the conservation of energy and showy drama as a means of committing physics concepts to memory.

Used in Lab:

This demonstration is NOT used in any lab.


  • Pendulum stand                                                  Location: Demo Rm over shelf H
  • Rope                                                                   Location: Demo Rm Shelf V
  • 4 extra bolts/washers/knuts                                Location: Demo Rm Shelf V                      

Setup Instructions:

  • Bring the apparatus to the lecture hall.
  • Expand the legs and bolt with the extra bolts/washers/wing knuts
  • Bring the feet of the stand to the center of the room.
  • Tie the rope to the eyehook on the center block
  • Have one person push up on the top, one person pull on the rope, and the other two people keep the four legs from sliding as the stand is lifted.
  • Once the stand is upright, each person should take one leg and slowly, synchronously back out to where the legs stand at about 45 degrees from each other.
  • Tie the bowling ball at the end of the rope.

Apparatus Notes:

You must have at least two people to move the stand.
You must have at least four people to set up the stand.
Do not bring the bowling ball out such that it is higher than 6 feet off the ground

Safety Information: Keep audience on the side(s) of the stand that the pendulum will not be swinging.
Do not let anything get in the path of the bowling ball