Simple Antennas

By far the simplest antenna is the Long wire antenna.  As the name implies it is little more then a long wire run in a straight line and then in to the back of the receiver unit such as a radio.  This type of antenna has one advantage it is simple easy and cheap to make to make it was the first type of antenna made.  However it has many disadvantages.  It is very large and therefore can't be moved around and because it is untuned (more on what this means later) it picks up signals of many wave lengths.  This means it often picks up other signals that are not wanted such as electric sparks and other meaningless signals.

Half Wavelength Antennas

To avoid these problems it is better to make an antenna that is tuned or able to pick up only a limited range of wave lengths.  By making the antenna half as long as one wavelength the antenna becomes selective only picking up a small range of wavelengths.  This type of antenna however requires a ground this is used in the form of a ground plane which is formed by other antennas a right angles to the bottom of the vertical arial these horizontal ground arials are atached to a ground.  This is the sort of antenna used on cars, however in that use that cars metal body forms the ground plane.

The half wave antenna is used in many forms often more then one will be used togeather to increase the signal stringth.  In many cases inductors or loops of wire are added to change the effective length or to focus the wavelength more.

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