What would happen when Shakespeare uses the chair?

 Shakespeare moved the chair so that he can sit down and do his work. ...Creak. The legs of the chair vibrated and that vibration is transmitted by atoms in the atmosphere and reached to Shakespeare's ears. He was bothered by that, so he tried to move it so that it causes the least noise as much as possible.

 He first moved the chair slowly so that the amplitude of the sound wave becomes smaller. It did become smaller because he applied less force to legs of the chair and they vibrated less than the last time. However, still there is noise. He then lifted the chair up. No noise at all. He knew that the noise came from grinding between the chair and the floor. He could put all the air out so that the sound wave doesn't come to his ear through them, but even if he could survive without air, the sound wave would be transmitted by going through the floor and himself or through the chair and himself. Maybe he knew about that and he decided not to use this way. What a smart guy!

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