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C. R. Carrigan defines the concept of viscosity in a nice and sussinct way: Viscosity is "the resistance of a fluid to flowing in response to applied pressure forces. The higher the viscosity, the more resistant a fluid is to flowing, (2000)." Water has a very low viscosity rating (think of rivers of water and how fast they can flow, Mississippi River anyone?) whereas toothpaste has a higher viscosity rating (it does not flow as easy as water.)

Many different parameters can effect the viscosity of lava flows. Chief among these parameters include, among others: composition and temperature. What follows represents a brief rundown of each parameter:

  • Composition: By far the most important parameter in determining the viscosity of lava flows is the composition thereof. The oxide that contributes most to the viscosity of lava flows is silica oxide, also known as silica, (SiO2). Because silica tetrahedrans can arrange themselves in many ways, their arrangement can affect the viscosity of the lava flow. Silica arranged as individual tetrahedra favor lower viscosity values whereas interconnected tetrahedra favor greater viscosity levels.

  • Temperature: Basalts erupt within a narrow temperature range of roughly 1000 to 1200 degrees Celsius, (Bloom 2004). As the temperature of basaltic lava cools, the associated viscosity increases. Amazingly, viscosity has been shown by Ryan and Blevens to increase by a factor of 10 upon  just 100 degrees of cooling, (1987). The reason for the astonishing increase of viscosity is that  many of the constituent minerals  in a basalt (eg. olivines and pyroxenes) have  crystallizing temperatures that hover around the 1000 degree temperature range. Once crystallization of solid minerals from lava flows commence, the viscosity of any lava flow increases with an astonishingly rapid pace.