Resistivity Equipment Description and Field Operation.


The 2D resistivity Survey was carried out using a Syscal pro unit 

Figure 2. Syscal Pro Unit


Other accessories used were:


·       24 Electrodes

·       24 Alligator clip cables

·       A multi-core cable (60 to 70m)

·       Laptop Computer

·       RES2DINV computer Program

·       Hand Auger

·       Shovel


The survey was also carryout using 24 electrodes connected to a multi-core cable which were also connected to a laptop computer. The spacing between electrodes was 2.5 m for a total of 60 m. Before starting the test it is necessary to set up the Syscal pro unit with certain parameters to be able to obtain the desire data.

After entering the parameters, is important to choose the electrode array. Dipole- dipole and Schlumberge-Wenner arrays were used to measure the resistivity of the area. After performing the test the data was send to the computer to the file created before the test.

Dipole-dipole array, and the Schlumberge-Wenner Array methods were used to collect the data.



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