
Informational Sources:

"|Databank." 2009. TM & © Lucasfilm Ltd., Web. 23 Nov 2009.


"|Databank." 2009. TM & © Lucasfilm Ltd., Web. 23 Nov 2009.


"Blaster." Wookieepedia, the Star Wars Wiki. 2009. Wikia Entertainment, Web. 23 Nov 2009.


"Lightsaber." Wookieepedia, the Star Wars Wiki. 2009. Wikia Entertainment, Web. 23 Nov 2009.

"BProperties of Metals Thermal." Engineers Edge. 2009. Engineers Edge, LLC., Web. 23 Nov 2009.

Dr. Ng, Chung-Sang Associate Professor of Physics.
Personal Interview by JuaquineSilveira. 09/11/09

Dr. Newman, David, Professor of Physics.

Personal Interview by Juaquine Silveira. 09/11/09

Visual Sources:
"Lightsaber." /Film. Web. 24 Nov 2009.

"blaster.jpg." rpgPlanet. Web. 24 Nov 2009.

"ArchaicLightsaber.jpg." Star Wars ::Force Users Information Site. Web. 24 Nov 2009.

"nerd.jpg." 101 Tees. Web. 24 Nov 2009.

"lightsaber-red." Web. 24 Nov 2009.

"Lightsabers.jpg." Student Web Server. Web. 24 Nov 2009.

"f_travisgm_c64f68e.gif." Web. 24 Nov 2009.

"starWars_library.jpg." eScience. Web. 24 Nov 2009.

"Lightsaber bread knife image...." media photobucket. Web. 24 Nov 2009.

"star-wars-the-old-republic." Web. 24 Nov 2009.

 "Star+Wars+Darth+Vader." Web. 24 Nov 2009.

"sw_lightsaber." Web. 24 Nov 2009.

"Starwars_Owen_and_Beru." The Smug Baldy Speaks. Web. 24 Nov 2009.

"Han solo image." media photobucket. Web. 24 Nov 2009.

"rotary_blaster_cannon." Wikia. Web. 24 Nov 2009.

"star-destroyer." Sacredart Murals. Web. 24 Nov 2009.

"250px-Turbolaser." Wikia. Web. 24 Nov 2009.


Han Solo is the defination of badass