Avalanche Education

In the 2008-2009 season, there were 27 avalanche-related fatalities in the United States (CAIC).  This number has continued to increase annually as recreating in the backcountry has become a popular activity among a growing number of people.  Advances in ski, snowboard and snowmachine technology have made regions in the mountains, previously difficult to reach, more accessible for all. 

graph: fatalities by state
graph: fatalities by activity

The Colorado Avalanche Information Center maintain records of avalanche-related incidents in the US and the above graphs illustrate two of their statistics over a ten year span.  While Alaska ranks second in the US for avalanche-related fatalities, the graph doesn't show that it ranks first place, per capita.

The unfortunate reality of all avalanche-related deaths, is that every one could have been prevented.  If you choose to recreate in the backcountry, take the responsibility to educate yourself. 

Below are a few links to online tutorials, answers to general avalanche questions, and where you can find avalanche forecasts and information on taking avalanche classes in the state of Alaska.

articles, videos, course info, beacon and rescue info, and good links
online tutorial and course info

sign-up for avalanche education courses, advisories, weather, resources
sign-up for avalanche education courses
advisories, weather, maps and photos for Anchorage region

What is an

Loose Snow



of a Slab


Works Cited