"The way of hand and foot"
Physically, TaeKwon Do is the scientific and coordinated use
of the body in methods of self-defense. The origin of TaeKwon Do stretches back to ancient Korea. It uses the principles of breathing and sine-wave movements to focus body speed and power. TaeKwon Do is a self-defense system that uses mainly leg techniques for both defense and counter attacks. It has more than a 100 well-defined kicking techniques - more than any other martial art. TaeKwon Do has spectacular and very effective jumping, spinning and flying techniques.TaeKwon Do consolidates Korean Taek Kyon, Japanese Karate and Chinese Ch’an-fuah.



Modern TaeKwon Do differs greatly from other martial arts. In fact, no other martial art is so advanced with regard to the sophistication and effectiveness of its technique or the over-all physical fitness it imparts to its practitioners.

Some record facts:

- Fastest knockout - 3.2 seconds
- Fastest punch with a knockout - .12 seconds
- Fastest kick with a knockout - 72 mph

Adherence to the basic principles of TaeKwon Do is what makes TaeKwon Do a martial art, an aesthetic art, a science and sport.