Newton's Second Law

"Acceleration is produced when a force acts on a mass.  The greater the mass (of the object being accelerated) the greater the amount of force needed (to accelerate the object)."
                                                                                                   Isaac Newton   

    This law is simply known as F = MA  as explain in the Basic section.

     It can be assumed that we all know by now that heavier objects require more force to move the same distance as lighter             objects. 

    For example:

    Homer wants to toss Ned Flanders (who is standing about 10 feet away from Homer) a Duff beer.  In order for Homer to do     so, Homer has to apply some force to the can of Duff beer to make it fly to Ned Flanders.  However, Homer is unable to             toss Ned Flanders (who is still standing at the same distance apart from Homer) a freezer full of ham and beef with the                 same force as he applies to the beer. 

That is because the freezer is much heavier than a can of Duff beer.  Sensationally speaking, even if (for some reason) Homer is able to lift the freezer full of ham and beef and toss it to Ned Flanders, the freezer would crush Ned Flanders to death.

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