Fusion Reactions on the Sun and in Stars

- The sun contains continual reactions of nuclear fusion. It creates immense heat. The outer visible layer has recorded temperatures of 6,000° Celsius. The temperature is like this because of the friction or the molding of atoms rubbing and colliding. The temperature is estimated at 15,000,000° Celsius and the pressure is so intense that it causes atoms to continually fuse together. As seen below, this is the process of how the reactions on the Sun take place.


- As we can see in this process of nuclear fused particles, hydrogen combines to make a deuteron(H²) plus releasing a positively charged electron (very unstable) and a neutrino, which has virtually no mass whatsoever. This reaction also renders gamma rays, which we feel the heat every day as it penetrates the magnetosphere. These rays outside of our magnetosphere can be deadly because they penetrate just about everything depending upon intensity. They can also be deadly here on Earth through the magnetosphere. When more hydrogen atoms combine, they make a helium atom and give off gamma rays. They make helium because of the number of neutrons, protons and mass. The ΔE = 26.7 MeV, or mega electron volts.

- The actual product of light is the helium-4 atoms; because this item is less massive it floats to the surface of the sun. Like oil and water, oil because of its density floats to the top of water. The difference in mass can be converted into energy by the famous physics equation, dubbed the theory of relativity, E=MC².

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