The Strings


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    The pitch of vibrating strings depends on three different traits of the string. These traits are the mass, tension, and length. The more massive the string is the slow it vibrates and the lower sounding noise is produced. The tension in the strings changes the pitch, tighter means a higher sound, looser means a lower sound. And the length changes the frequency by changing the amount of the string that is free to vibrate.

   When playing a guitar the mass and tension of the string stay constant while the player changes the length of the string by pressing it to a fret. By doing that the length of the string is shortened and gives a faster vibration. The vibrations are sent to the body of the guitar through the neck of the guitar where the sound is emitted.

   Each string corresponds to a note E, B, G, D, A, and E. Each note corresponds to a different frequency. When a fret is pressed the note changes along with the frequency of the note. For string one here is a chart of the different notes, frequency, and length of the string.

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