The Physics of Pitching

Pitching in Softball - this is an underarm motion, making one full rotation of the arm, called the "windmill", and releasing the ball at the hip with a snap of the wrist.

In softball, there are basically four basic types of pitches that I learned.
Fast Ball - the most common pitch, the ball is thrown straight into the strike zone at a high velocity, the arm motion is the same as the one described in Pitching a Softball.
Drop Ball - in this pitch, the pitcher snaps their wrist a little earlier, before the hand passes the hip.  This motion puts more top spin on the ball which
Rise Ball - to get a good rise ball the pitcher needs a low release, and a specific hand movement where they have to "Turn the door handle" or curling your fingers into your palm at the release.
Change Up - this pitch is a slow version of the fast ball, to achieve this, the pitcher must release the ball with the palm down.  You let the momentum rip the ball from your hand.
                Rise Ball                   

The momentum of the "windmill" motion plus the momentum of your body moving forward increases velocity.  Also, the release of the ball can change the spinning and curving of the ball.  Wrist positioning and movement can change the angle of approach, and the rotational axis of the softball.
Pitchers use the seams on the ball to alter the spin on the ball which changes the direction.

The faster the ball is pitched, the faster the ball will travel after it is hit.
This is how the speed of a pitch can change the arc of the pitch

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