"Things seem to be LINE-ing up for me," Physics Man nonchalantly declares to the furious Doctor Centrifugus."Who drives a Geo Metro? Me!" OK, the little voice inside his mind said with a hint of overextended tolerance, that last one was pretty bad.

But while his banter may be looking down, his situation is looking up: by nailing the ramp, Physics Man now has the option of changing his steel ball for a one made of lead or one made of a tough, lightweight ceramic. And the next shot, he realized, could win the game - but only if his ball is fast enough.

So, true believers, what should our hero do? Should he choose the heavy ball or the light ball? time is running out...

A more massive ball will go faster, since nothing can slow it down - get the lead ball! If the flipper exerts the same force and mass goes down, acceleration must go up - and with it, velocity! Get the lighter ceramic ball!

This site built by John Chiment for Physics 211. Click here for the bibliography, or here to go home.