With a jump to the left, and then a step to the right, Physics Man started to play. Rather, he tried to play - Physics Man hadn't seen how Tommy had started the pinball machine, and now the Wizard was already scoring combos with his wizardly ways. Physics Man stared at the contraption before him - some sort of table with a - hey! there was the ball, in the lower right corner... sitting on the tip of a rod attached to a spring and a knob that protruded from the case. Hrmmm, muttered the voice in his head, I bet we can use this...

OK kids, time for the next challenge - what should Physics Man do to start the game?

Pull back on the knob, converting kinetic energy (the motion of his arm) to potential energy (stored in the spring) which, when the knob is released, will be converted back into kinetic energy and accelerate the ball! Kick the table until, like the last ball in a giant Newton's Cradle, the ball rolls up the ramp and starts the game!

This site built by John Chiment for Physics 211. Click here for the bibliography, or here to go home.