Flight of the Ball

        Paintball guns shoot at relitively slow speed, unlike a bullet that will drop several inches over a shot, a paintball will drop several feet
        depending on the distance
        Think of it like somewhere inbetween throwning a ball and shooting a rifle. Some angle of launch must be calculated to adjust for the
        the pull of gravitiy.

        First we can look at the ideal conditions for a shot. ie no air resistance, level ground.

        We know initial velocity is 300 fps, gravitiy is 32 ft/s^2, and we also know that 45 degree angle will produce max distance.
        Take upward to be positive Y axis and right to be Positive X axis

        To find the Maximum Ideal Range of the Weapon we solve

        t=time    Y=height    Yo=initial height    Vo=initial velocity

        Lets Assume that the person shooting and the target are both the same height
        Meaning the contact point and launch point are equal height to the ground

        t=13.26 seconds of flight
        Now to find the distance covered in 13.26 seconds

        t=time    Vo=inital velocity    Xo=Starting position


        Now remember this problem did not take air resistance into account.
        Since there is no need for shooting 2500 ft in paintball ball lets take a realisitic problem.

        You are shooting at a person 50 ft away while standing on a hill of 5 ft tall what angle do you need to aim to hit him?

        For this question we solve a system of two equations


        Solving these two equations give you an the answer angle = -5.21 degrees

        Note that the straight line angle from the shooter to the target is ATan(-5/50)=-5.7 degrees

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