Anders Celsius

Anders Celsius2

    Anders Celsius was born November 27, 1701 in Uppsala, Sweden into a family of scientists. As the son and the grandson of mathematicians and astronomer, it is not surprising that Anders chose a life of science.

    He is best known as the inventor of the temperature scale which is named for him, however, Celsius made many other accomplishments in his career. These accomplishments include being the first to connect the aurora borealis to the Earth's magnetic field, and his involvement in proving Sir Isaac Newton's theory that the shape of the Earth is actually an ellipsoid.

    Celsius studied at the University of Uppsala where his father taught astronomy. In 1730 he followed in his father's footsteps and became a professor of astronomy at the same university.
    It wasn't until towards the end of his career, shortly before his death, that his continued work in science led him to developing the most widely used temperature scale today.

    At the age of forty two, Celsius died of tuberculosis on April 25, 1744. He left behind not only what is seen as his largest accomplishment, but many others including dissertations on many, many years of his studies

Uppsala University: Uppsala, Sweden

Uppsala University