Newton On Shell Penetration

"I am currently reading a book entitled "The Great Physicists From Galileo to Einstein" by George Gamow. I am approximately 1/2 through the book. The most interesting fact I have encountered to this point is Newton's theory of penetration of projectiles into a medium. Newton's theory basically states that the distance a projectile will travel through a medium (air, water, etc.) stands in the same ratio to the length of the projectile as the density of the projectile's material to the density of the medium."

"What does this exactly mean? Well, it means that the length of a projectile, composed of a given material, determines the distance a projectile travels through a medium and not the initial velocity of the projectile. This is the reason skin divers use long arrows to hunt underwater prey. I will admit it seems counter intuitive to think the length of a projectile is more critical than is its initial velocity, but that is exactly the case.
This theory was postulated by Newton over 300 years ago.

From:     posted by Luke | 1/26/2008 08:56:00 AM

I have not yet verified this for myself. E Williamson 12/6/2010
