The Short Game


            Putting is considered by many to be the toughest aspect of golf. The path of the ball is very hard to determine because of all the forces that are acting on the ball from the time the putter makes contact until it hopefully drops into the cup.
         When the putter face collides with the ball all three of Newton's laws are involved, as they are when the ball is hit off of the tee. This is discussed in more detail on the  tee-ing off page.
         When putting, the ball never leaves the ground. Because of this a golfer has many different factors to take into consideration when they are deciding  how much force to exert on the ball. The friction between the ball and the grass is a huge factor. The ball encounters friction every inch on its way to the cup. The golfer has to apply enough force to compensate for the loss of momentum caused by the grass.
          If this weren't enough, the landscape of the green has to be taken into consideration as well. There are all kinds of hills and valleys on a green. Gravity causes the ball to slow down going up the hills, and to speed up going down the hills. If a golfer fails to take this into consideration they will either not make it to the cup, or will overshoot it. Either can prove disasterous in a close game of golf.

Main Page

The Physics of the Golf Ball

The Physics of the Clubs

Tee-ing Off

