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In 1891 Maria Sklodowska went to Paris and began to follow the lectures of Paul Appel, Gabriel Lippmann, and Edmond Bouty at the Sorbonne.

The above picture is of Paris in 1889 of the newly erected Eiffel Tower for the World's fair.


SHE HAD A LOT OF CATCHING UP to do. Marie was insufficiently prepared for higher education. Neither her math and science background nor her proficiency in technical French equaled that of her fellow students. She refused to lose heart. The only way she could overcome some of these shortcomings was through diligent work.

Floating University

The Picture to the left is of Cossacks parading in Warsaw after Russia crushed a nationalist rising in 1863.


Maria hoped to get an advanced degree. Although Joseph was able to enroll in the medical school at the University of Warsaw, women were not welcome there. Maria and Bronya joined other friends in attending the Floating University.

"This illegal night school got its name from the fact that its classes met in changing locations, the better to evade the watchful eyes of the czarist authorities."

This fly-by-night education could not match the curriculum at any of the major European universities that admitted women.

The diligence paid off. Marie finished first in her master's degree physics course in the summer of 1893 and second in math the following year.
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