Curved Space-Time

I'm going to use a famous analogy……you may have heard it in Event Horizon, a movie that m,ay well have stunted public desire to see whats on the other side of a black hole…forever. It is one hell of a scary movie. Anyways…

Space-time is simply the theoretical consideration that for all practical purposes, the idea of space (volume, matter, the weft of the universe) and time (the weave of the universe…the inevitable forward progression of events) are inextricably bound into one form…Space-time. Thus, deformations in one are deformations in the other. Something that deforms space-time is mass-specifically gravitational attraction.

See, think of the universe as a flat blanket.


Large masses, like the earth, and the sun, and other stars, like heavy objects on that blanket, leave depressions in space time like the depressions in a blanket.

Particularly heavy, dense objects such as black holes warp space-time so much that (remember our blanket analogy) it is as if sitting on the blanket, the black hole sunk far enough that it is surrounded by blanket…like sitting in a little purse.

Light travels along the surface of the blanket, as do we…we can't really tell that the blanket is curved. So when light approaches the pocket where the black hole is, it travels down the slippery slopes and gets stuck. It doesn't have the speed to climb the hill on the other side. Nothing in our universe does have the power to escape once trapped by a black holes gravitational attraction because light travels the fastest…and since it can't get out..nothing else can either.

Colliding Black Holes
More About Black Holes
