
Before the Day Breaks,
    When I first ran across any of Velikovsky's ideas it was in this online book Before the Day Breaks. In this book Velikovsky writes about his correspondence and conversations with Albert Einstein. I read some of this book before ever reading anything else of Velikovsky, or having any idea of what was proposed in his book Worlds in Collision. Before the Day Breaks is a very well written book, where Velikovsky's main argument is that gravity and inertia are not the only forces acting on the solar system.  After Velikovsky published his book Worlds in Collision he has had much difficulty getting anyone in the scientific community to listen to him. There were numerous accounts of unjust behavior towards him from many famous scientist. It is ironic that while many people were ignoring him, he was discussing scientific matters with Einstein.  While Before the Day Breaks may not have any substantial scientific impact, it does two separate other things. Provide a good insight to some of the prejudices of the general scientific community at that time. Give good clues as to what Einstein's personality was like.
    * Click on any picture to bring you to the site I nabbed it from.