What would it like to play catch on the moon? How high and far could you throw a ball? Would your Grandfather clock still keep accurate time? Read on to find out!!!

Two astronuats are playing catch on the moon. They throw and catch the ball at a height of 1.5m. If they throw the ball at a speed of 4 m/s how high can the ball go and how far will it travel? How is the motion of the on the moon different than if they were on earth?

The first step to solving this problem is finding the x and y components of the motion:

Vxi = 3cos45 = 2.12 m/s

Vyi = 3sin45= 2.12m/s

When the ball reaches the max height, Vy = 0 and Y= Ymax. Using the equation Vy^2=Vyi^2+2ay we see that:

Ymax = Y = -Vyi^2 / 2ay

Ymax = -(2.12)^2 / 2(-1.6)

Ymax = 1.4m+1.5m (the original height if the ball)

= 2.9m

To find the distance the ball travels in the x direction we need to know the time of flight using the equation: Vy = Vyi+ayT. Solving for T we see that:

T = -Vyi/ay

T = -(2.12)/(-1.6)

T = 1.33 s

That is the amount of time it takes for the ball to reach the max height, so the actual flight time is, 2.66s, twice that value. Now we can find the total x distance traveled:

X = VyiT

X = (2.12)(2.66)

X = 4.64 m

If the astronauts were playing the same game of catch on the moon they ball would only rise to a height of 1.73 m and travel a distance of .92 m.