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Implications of Quantum Computers


Although currently the effects of quantum computers are far from earth shattering, the trend towards them will require a great deal of reassessment in the fundamental security systems the world across.   A great deal of the security systems that are used throughout society are not actually base in being “impossible” to break systematically.  On the contrary they trust in the inability of computers to break their system in the foreseeable future.  Using classical computers of the most powerful form and a modern encryption technique, the time required to crack a code using brute force would exceed the age of the universe.


This same technique however, is child’s play for a fully functional quantum computer, it’s ability to evaluate all of the values in the range at once makes solving for factors trivial.  Everything that our most secure systems have been built upon will become very easily cracked when all possibilities are attempted at once.


Some of the most time consuming operations that are commonly used today are things like searches and massively parallel operations, with the ability to evaluate the entirety of the allowable space at once, these also become child’s play, some of our most vexing bottlenecks and system crushing algorithms can be shifted into simple evaluations.