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After he spent two years away from Cambridge, he returned in 1667, and he began to work on alchemy. However, in 1668 Micolas Mercator published a book containing some of the methods for dealing with infinite series, after which, Newton published his own book, De Analysi, that showed his more extensive understanding in the area and wider ranging results.This was a breakthrough for Newton into the world of mathematician, as he was now known for his abilities in the area.

Newton's first design and invention that made him well known, was his construction of a reflecting telescope. He built it entirely by himself by grounding the mirror, building the tube, and even the tools that were used in the construction. The mirror gave a different effect than the larger lenses did in that it focused at colors from slightly different distances. This effect is known as chromatic aberration. Mirrors are still used today in large telescopes.

As time moved on Newton became interested in theology, and he was convinced that Christianity had veered from the original teachings of Christ. He found himself unable to believe in the followings of the Church of England. This contradicted with the rule of the Fellowship at Trinity College, as they must follow a religion. However King Charles II issued a royal decree excusing him from taking holy orders.

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