Make a MagLev Train

Materials needed: posterboard, foamboard, or cardboard, 20-30 square or rectangular magnets, masking tape

1. To construct the MagLev track, lay magnets down on masking tape in a row. Be sure that all the magnets have the same pole (either north or south) facing upward. To check this run a magnet over the row of taped magnets. It should either be attracted to OR repelled by ALL of the magnets. Now tape this row of magnets to the edge of the posterboard.

2. Make a second row of magnets that have the same pole facing up as the first row. Again check this by running a magnet over the row to see if it is either attracted to OR repelled by ALL of the magnets. Tape this row of magnets to the posterboard parallel to the first and spaced apart by a distance approximately the width of one of the magnets.

make your own maglev

3. Cut the posterboard along the outer edge of the second row of magnets. Now cut two pieces of posterboard the same length as the track. Attach the two pieces perpendicular to the track. These act as guide walls.

make your own maglev

4. Now to construct the MagLev train, cut a rectangular piece of posterboard that just fits inside the track's guide walls. Attach four magnets to the corners of the rectangular piece. Be sure that all four of these magnets are placed so that they are repelled by the magnets on the track. Place the train gently above the track inside its guide walls and watch it levitate!

make your own maglev


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